
Law conferences and seminars can range and vary based on locality, region and country.  Worldwide law conferences and seminars are available to study justice and legal questions around the globe.  Law seminars inform not only about new practices and regulations, but also deal in large part with ethics and moral issues.  Since the law affects almost everything we do, conferences and seminars on legal issue cover just about every topic imaginable.  These meetings provide a critical opportunity for those interested to come together for the free exchange of ideas and to participate in discussions to shape the future.

Notable Law Conferences and Seminars

The 7th International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT Law (LSPI)
2-4 October 2012, Athens, Greece

This conference held by the International Association of IT Lawyers encourages participation in the topics of legal, security and privacy issues  facing the information technology sector.  It is open to academics, consultants and practitioners  to come together to focus on the issues facing the emerging technological environment and IT law.  The seminars include discussion on data mining, cyber crime, risk management, and consumer protection.  Look forward to more information than you can handle, because the conference is jam packed with these and many other law related seminars. is the place to search for more information.

International Human Trafficking
27-28 September 2012, Toledo, Ohio US

This event brings researchers and practitioners together to facilitate advocacy,  and program development.  It seeks to educate attendees on the issues surrounding social services, health care and criminal justice for human trafficking.  The conference is open to activists, survivors, and those working as health care and criminal justice professionals.  Seminars will work to develop dialogue about issues like sex worker rights, international trafficking, children and teen victimization, as well as recovery and emotional health.  To find out more go to

Receiving Laws/Giving Laws
10-12 December 2012, Sydney, Australia

The conference will look to the transmission, transformation and movement of laws and their history.  It will examine law across empires, throughout time and with respect to genres and disciplines.  Critical questions to be answered revolve around how laws are transmitted and received from place to place, the transformations that result from this movement, and the culture, history and law that disappear as a result of the transformation.  Professor Philip Girard of Dalhousie University will present the keynote followed by a keynote panel of experts from around the globe.  More details are found at


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